Take them for the ride of their life...

Moviepass, Theranos, FTX...they all failed faster and broke things as they monetized unicorn thought leaders that scaled the sharing economy by microdosing IPOs. 

But what else do they have in common? That's right... 

They're dead.

Introducing DeadLyft, the service designed to disrupt the collection and final judgement of the recently deceased!

No longer will you have to sit in a leaky boat while the forgotten memories of millennia pool around your fleshless ankles! 

Ages upon ages of management by legacy enterprises have meant more and more of the dead piling up at their final destination, aimless and often with memory partially intact!

Instead sit back and rest your bones in heated seats, as our data optimization and proprietary Sins-sense technology identifies opportunities to keep our clients mindless and wandering in purgatory for thousands of years!


Take your passengers to the ever after and ask questions to harvest soul points as they share their life story. More information = more points!


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  • T for tutorial
  • Up/Down to select choices
  • Space/Click to confirm choice 


  • Story
    • @Fromage
    • @GrimPuppet
  • Art
  • Music
    • @Dustinseth
  • Programming
    • @JoshH


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